Welcome to Learning to Move Beyond Pain:

Your Self-Paced Journey!

Chronic pain is a big problem, affecting about 1 out of 5 people.  Over the last 10 years, there have been many important discoveries that help explain what causes chronic pain, as well as new research about which treatment approaches are most effective. Sadly, many of these discoveries sit quietly in science journals, inaccessible to the average person.

I want to change that.   

The first bit of chronic pain education any person living with pain should receive is that the science has made abundantly clear is that your pain is real. No matter its origins, no matter how or where it is felt, all pain is real.

It’s dehumanizing to be told your pain isn’t real or to have your experience doubted. Too often people in pain are told they need to think more positively, that isn’t all in their head, or that nothing more can be done. These things are untrue and unscientific!

You, the one experiencing pain need to know this. This needs to be heard. You should feel heard, validated, and believed. Know there are no boxes to be checked, and no criteria to be met for your pain to be considered legitimate.

That distress you feel is real and understandable! In fact, pain is friggin’ distressing and challenging. especially when it doesn’t make sense. Because of that,I desire to let you know you are heard and to help you make sense of your pain experience so you can move forward.  

My response to “There is nothing more that can be done.” 

Respectfully, this is bullshit.  It angers me to see people being misled in this way since it strips them of hope and opportunity when the reality is that there are always options for advancing your journey and quality of life, even if your pain persists.

If you hear this phrase, know it is a reflection on your healthcare provider, not you. There is nothing more they can do. That is not the same as there is nothing more that can be done. 

I believe very strongly that people in pain throughout the world deserve access to affordable,  accurate, and up-to-date information about pain and your ability to rehab it.   That was why Learning to Move Beyond Pain: Your Self-Paced Journey was born. 

Becoming knowledgeable on the fundamentals of pain, and how to better manage and rehabilitate pain can have a major impact on your overall well-being and quality of life. Knowing we can change our experience and that our lives can get better, even if the pain doesn’t change is priceless knowledge. That’s what chronic pain education is all about.

With the courses available here, you will gain the necessary insight to progress and move forward. This will help you on your journey to move beyond pain.

So, I invite you to check out the courses I offer by clicking, ALL Courses and looking around.

Lastly, if you have an idea for a course offering, please send them me using the contact form.